Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Want To Know Why You Suffer From Hair loss Or Baldness? Here Is Everything

It is normal to shed 50 to 100 hairs a day. This is a normal hair growth cycle. However, excessive hair loss is an alarming sign. Nowadays, the experts of the Avenues Clinic are working on the main causes of hair loss for the well-being of the patients who come to the clinic for Ahmedabad Hair Transplant. They do so because the first step of every hair loss treatment is to know about the root cause of the problem.
Here we are going to tell you some of the primary reasons that are responsible for bringing hair loss or baldness in your life.
The hair loss can depend on the following factors:
Heredity factors:
You are losing your hair with an extreme rate means you are going to suffer from male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. This is a hereditary condition that takes place gradually and shows certain patterns in men and women. Hereditary hair loss includes thinning of hair and complete baldness.
Hormonal factors:
Hormonal changes may cause temporary hair loss. Hormonal changes take place due to pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause etc. The problem of the thyroid gland can trigger the imbalance of hormones.
Medical factors:
There are a lot of medical factors that may trigger hair loss like:
The drugs used to cure cancer, depression, heart problems, arthritis, high blood pressure and birth control may cause temporary hair loss. Excessive quantity of vitamin A may cause hair loss as well.
Scalp infections:
Hair loss can take place due to infections like ringworm, dandruff etc. This kind of hair loss is not permanent and hairs grow back when the infection is treated.
Autoimmune disease:
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles that generally cause sudden hair loss. This disease is called patchy hair loss since in this disease smooth, roundish bald patches are observed on the scalp.
Lifestyle factors:
Hairstyles, treatments, and tools:
Tight hairstyles that pull your hair may cause disease names traction alopecia. Hot oil treatments may cause temporary or permanent hair loss. According to some experts, blow hair drying can be a cause of hair loss.
Frequent use of chemical products:
Regular use of different hair products is a normal thing nowadays. However, most of the users do not know that such products may have various harmful chemicals that may disturb your hair growth.
Junk food:
Junk food can be related to various health issues because junk food is completely devoid of nutrients that are essential for the body. Nutritional deficiency is a major cause of hair loss.
Hectic and tensed lifestyle makes you physically and mentally stressed. Stress can be a cause of many small or fatal diseases like a headache, heart attack, depression etc. Experts say that hair loss can be caused by stress as well.
Sleeping disorders:
Bad sleeping habits and sleeping disorders like insomnia may disturb the hair growth cycle to cause hair loss or baldness.
Seasonal factors:
Hot or cold weather may affect the health of your hair. Exposure to harsh weather conditions makes your hair dull, brittle, broken and fragile.
If you are eager to know about the root cause of your problem, come to Avenues clinic that is a perfect place for Ahmedabad Hair Transplant.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Only Hair Transplant Will Work If Don't Have Living Roots On Scalp

Hair loss problem is observed everywhere in the society nowadays. it is not a gender specific disease and affects both men and women. At times, all of the men and women face mild hair loss but due to some medical, environmental, genetic, and hormonal reasons, hair loss leads to complete baldness of the scalp. This is a surprising factor that some of the patients observe the hair loss day by day but hardly think about meeting with a qualified doctor. They think they can control the hair loss by applying some home remedies, alternative medicines, or cheap treatments. Many of the patients are fully aware of the fact that only hair transplant can cure the hair loss or baldness but they feel confused to come to the Avenues clinic just because of Hair Transplant Price In Ahmedabad. This confused state of mind may be disastrous. 

Visiting a doctor would not hurt you
If you are trying to control your hair loss, it is good decision to have but you are not walking on the right way to get to your destination. Whenever you face a disease, first of all, you see a doctor. Please understand that hair loss is also a medical issue that is solved by a certified medical doctor. Let a hair expert treat you.
What about other treatments?
If you are facing baldness, it is just waste of time using home remedies or alternative treatments. Actually, these treatments may work when you have some alive roots on your head. Some treatments like PRP and Mesotherapy treatments work only on hair roots to make them healthy and strong again. These treatments are totally ineffective when you have lost your hair completely since there are not hair roots to survive again.
How effective is Hair transplant surgery?
Complete baldness means total damage of hair with hair roots. Hair transplant works on a simple method in which, baldness resistant hairs from the back and sides are removed and transplanted to the bald areas. As the hairs are genetically baldness resistant, they are not going to fall again. Therefore, the results of hair transplant surgery are permanent.
A proof of presence of hair roots
As a proof of the presence of hair roots, we can give you the example of a temporary process after the hair transplant. This is called hair shedding in which all the transplanted hair completely shed after the surgery. But, as the hair roots are there, they start to grow again after a certain time to grow with full density and strength.
As we see, only hair transplant is a scientific and widely accepted procedure for baldness since it is based on a logical base. If you are thinking about Hair Transplant Cost In Ahmedabad, you don’t need to worry because the doctors of the Avenues clinic are making great efforts to reduce the hair transplant cost.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Unlimited Hair Transplant Is Just another Word For Unlimited Cheating

Baldness is a curse for those who are facing severe hair loss. The baldness is not ‘however’ a fatal disease but this disease may disturb or ruin the life of the patient. For such patients, hair transplant surgery is a great hope as it is known to bring the hairs back. Most of the procedures or ideas used to treat baldness are just unnatural and uncomfortable but hair transplant yields completely natural results. Hair transplant surgery is so effective but some of the patients are confused to have it or not due to some cases that were not according to the hope of the patients. Actually, the success or failure depends on the surgeon’s experience, goals, intelligence etc. Moreover, many of the patients come to the Avenues clinic to reduce the Hair Transplant Cost In Ahmedabad

Is hair transplant always effective?

This question can positively be answered but only with a condition. The surgery must be performed by an authentic surgeon. If the surgeon is not so experienced enough, he may make mistakes while performing the surgery and then, the result may be ruined by the mistake. 
What if the surgeon wants you to cheat intentionally? 
This condition is worse than the conditions made by mistakes. There are a lot of doctors who want to treat you for just making some money. They cheat you and interestingly, you don’t feel that you have been cheated. You feel delighted that you get awesome results in a cheap cost but in reality, they have made you a victim of fraud. 
Why do the patients believe such cheaters? They believe since they are attracted by the unrealistic claims they made like Unlimited Hair Transplant.

Claim of Unlimited Hair Transplant may trap you

When the patients come to know about unlimited hair transplant, they generally expect that-:

1. You will get a larger number of grafts.

2. Fully covered head at a fixed price.

3. You expect that it will be cheaper than package based on per graft price.

4. You also feel delighted that they are going to make a great deal since you think that the deal will be cheaper than the per graft price. Well, they are really fortunate if they get it in real.

5. You expect large number of grafts(3000-5000)for fixed price.

What is the reality?

1. Actually, it is not possible to transplant more than 1200 grafts in a single session for these clinics and they are not going to treat you unlimited hair grafts in any case.

2. They never tell you the exact number of grafts you need since they have claimed to treat you with unlimited hair grafts.

3. In this situation, the exact number of grafts remains always unknown. If they transplant 1000 grafts charging 50000, you would have to pay Rs. 50 per grafts but you never calculate since you are trapped by the quacks. 
What about the results?

They may cover your entire head but there is not guarantee for required density of hair. they may fall forever after the surgery or they may not grow with a good strength. It means the patients do not get anything after paying a lot for the

The Avenues Clinic is a preferred place for the patients who desire to undergo hair transplant surgery with genuine Hair Transplant Cost In Ahmedabad. Then, you have no need to search for cheap options that may cheat you for making some money.